Example: Sparse Bayesian Linear RegressionΒΆ
View sparse_regression.py on github
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import math
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.optim import Adam
import pyro
import pyro.distributions as dist
from pyro import poutine
from pyro.infer import Trace_ELBO
from pyro.infer.autoguide import AutoDelta, init_to_median
We demonstrate how to do sparse linear regression using a variant of the
approach described in [1]. This approach is particularly suitable for situations
with many feature dimensions (large P) but not too many datapoints (small N).
In particular we consider a quadratic regressor of the form:
f(X) = constant + sum_i theta_i X_i + sum_{i<j} theta_ij X_i X_j + observation noise
Note that in order to keep the set of identified non-negligible weights theta_i
and theta_ij sparse, the model assumes the weights satisfy a 'strong hierarchy'
condition. See reference [1] for details.
Note that in contrast to [1] we do MAP estimation for the kernel hyperparameters
instead of HMC. This is not expected to be as robust as doing full Bayesian inference,
but in some regimes this works surprisingly well. For the latter HMC approach see
the NumPyro version:
[1] The Kernel Interaction Trick: Fast Bayesian Discovery of Pairwise
Interactions in High Dimensions.
Raj Agrawal, Jonathan H. Huggins, Brian Trippe, Tamara Broderick
def dot(X, Z):
return torch.mm(X, Z.t())
# The kernel that corresponds to our quadratic regressor.
def kernel(X, Z, eta1, eta2, c):
eta1sq, eta2sq = eta1.pow(2.0), eta2.pow(2.0)
k1 = 0.5 * eta2sq * (1.0 + dot(X, Z)).pow(2.0)
k2 = -0.5 * eta2sq * dot(X.pow(2.0), Z.pow(2.0))
k3 = (eta1sq - eta2sq) * dot(X, Z)
k4 = c**2 - 0.5 * eta2sq
return k1 + k2 + k3 + k4
# Most of the model code is concerned with constructing the sparsity inducing prior.
def model(X, Y, hypers, jitter=1.0e-4):
S, P, N = hypers["expected_sparsity"], X.size(1), X.size(0)
sigma = pyro.sample("sigma", dist.HalfNormal(hypers["alpha3"]))
phi = sigma * (S / math.sqrt(N)) / (P - S)
eta1 = pyro.sample("eta1", dist.HalfCauchy(phi))
msq = pyro.sample("msq", dist.InverseGamma(hypers["alpha1"], hypers["beta1"]))
xisq = pyro.sample("xisq", dist.InverseGamma(hypers["alpha2"], hypers["beta2"]))
eta2 = eta1.pow(2.0) * xisq.sqrt() / msq
lam = pyro.sample(
"lambda", dist.HalfCauchy(torch.ones(P, device=X.device)).to_event(1)
kappa = msq.sqrt() * lam / (msq + (eta1 * lam).pow(2.0)).sqrt()
kX = kappa * X
# compute the kernel for the given hyperparameters
k = kernel(kX, kX, eta1, eta2, hypers["c"]) + (sigma**2 + jitter) * torch.eye(
N, device=X.device
# observe the outputs Y
dist.MultivariateNormal(torch.zeros(N, device=X.device), covariance_matrix=k),
Here we compute the mean and variance of coefficients theta_i (where i = dimension) as well
as for quadratic coefficients theta_ij for a given (in our case MAP) estimate of the kernel
hyperparameters (eta1, xisq, ...).
Compare to theorem 5.1 in reference [1].
def compute_posterior_stats(X, Y, msq, lam, eta1, xisq, c, sigma, jitter=1.0e-4):
N, P = X.shape
# prepare for computation of posterior statistics for singleton weights
probe = torch.zeros((P, 2, P), dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
probe[:, 0, :] = torch.eye(P, dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
probe[:, 1, :] = -torch.eye(P, dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
eta2 = eta1.pow(2.0) * xisq.sqrt() / msq
kappa = msq.sqrt() * lam / (msq + (eta1 * lam).pow(2.0)).sqrt()
kX = kappa * X
kprobe = kappa * probe
kprobe = kprobe.reshape(-1, P)
# compute various kernels
k_xx = kernel(kX, kX, eta1, eta2, c) + (jitter + sigma**2) * torch.eye(
N, dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device
k_xx_inv = torch.inverse(k_xx)
k_probeX = kernel(kprobe, kX, eta1, eta2, c)
k_prbprb = kernel(kprobe, kprobe, eta1, eta2, c)
# compute mean and variance for singleton weights
vec = torch.tensor([0.50, -0.50], dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
mu = (
torch.matmul(k_probeX, torch.matmul(k_xx_inv, Y).unsqueeze(-1))
.reshape(P, 2)
mu = (mu * vec).sum(-1)
var = k_prbprb - torch.matmul(k_probeX, torch.matmul(k_xx_inv, k_probeX.t()))
var = var.reshape(P, 2, P, 2).diagonal(dim1=-4, dim2=-2) # 2 2 P
std = (
((var * vec.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(-2) * vec.unsqueeze(-1))
# select active dimensions (those that are non-zero with sufficient statistical significance)
active_dims = (((mu - 4.0 * std) > 0.0) | ((mu + 4.0 * std) < 0.0)).bool()
active_dims = active_dims.nonzero(as_tuple=False).squeeze(-1)
"Identified the following active dimensions:",
print("Mean estimate for active singleton weights:\n", mu[active_dims].data.numpy())
# if there are 0 or 1 active dimensions there are no quadratic weights to be found
M = len(active_dims)
if M < 2:
return active_dims.data.numpy(), []
# prep for computation of posterior statistics for quadratic weights
left_dims, right_dims = torch.ones(M, M).triu(1).nonzero(as_tuple=False).t()
left_dims, right_dims = active_dims[left_dims], active_dims[right_dims]
probe = torch.zeros(left_dims.size(0), 4, P, dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
left_dims_expand = left_dims.unsqueeze(-1).expand(left_dims.size(0), P)
right_dims_expand = right_dims.unsqueeze(-1).expand(right_dims.size(0), P)
for dim, value in zip(range(4), [1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0]):
probe[:, dim, :].scatter_(-1, left_dims_expand, value)
for dim, value in zip(range(4), [1.0, -1.0, 1.0, -1.0]):
probe[:, dim, :].scatter_(-1, right_dims_expand, value)
kprobe = kappa * probe
kprobe = kprobe.reshape(-1, P)
k_probeX = kernel(kprobe, kX, eta1, eta2, c)
k_prbprb = kernel(kprobe, kprobe, eta1, eta2, c)
# compute mean and covariance for a subset of weights theta_ij (namely those with
# 'active' dimensions i and j)
vec = torch.tensor([0.25, -0.25, -0.25, 0.25], dtype=X.dtype, device=X.device)
mu = (
torch.matmul(k_probeX, torch.matmul(k_xx_inv, Y).unsqueeze(-1))
.reshape(left_dims.size(0), 4)
mu = (mu * vec).sum(-1)
var = k_prbprb - torch.matmul(k_probeX, torch.matmul(k_xx_inv, k_probeX.t()))
var = var.reshape(left_dims.size(0), 4, left_dims.size(0), 4).diagonal(
dim1=-4, dim2=-2
std = (
((var * vec.unsqueeze(-1)).sum(-2) * vec.unsqueeze(-1))
active_quad_dims = (((mu - 4.0 * std) > 0.0) | ((mu + 4.0 * std) < 0.0)) & (
mu.abs() > 1.0e-4
active_quad_dims = active_quad_dims.nonzero(as_tuple=False)
active_quadratic_dims = np.stack(
active_quadratic_dims = np.split(
active_quadratic_dims, active_quadratic_dims.shape[0]
active_quadratic_dims = [tuple(a.tolist()[0]) for a in active_quadratic_dims]
return active_dims.data.numpy(), active_quadratic_dims
# Create an artifical dataset with N datapoints and P feature dimensions. Of the P
# dimensions S will have non-zero singleton weights and Q(Q-1)/2 pairs of feature dimensions
# will have non-zero quadratic weights.
def get_data(N=20, P=10, S=2, Q=2, sigma_obs=0.15):
assert S < P and P > 3 and S > 2 and Q > 1 and Q <= S
X = torch.randn(N, P)
singleton_weights = 2.0 * torch.rand(S) - 1.0
Y_mean = torch.einsum("ni,i->n", X[:, 0:S], singleton_weights)
quadratic_weights = []
expected_quad_dims = []
for dim1 in range(Q):
for dim2 in range(Q):
if dim1 >= dim2:
expected_quad_dims.append((dim1, dim2))
quadratic_weights.append(2.0 * torch.rand(1) - 1.0)
Y_mean += quadratic_weights[-1] * X[:, dim1] * X[:, dim2]
quadratic_weights = torch.tensor(quadratic_weights)
# we standardize the outputs Y
Y = Y_mean
Y -= Y.mean()
Y_std1 = Y.std()
Y /= Y_std1
Y += sigma_obs * torch.randn(N)
Y -= Y.mean()
Y_std2 = Y.std()
Y /= Y_std2
assert X.shape == (N, P)
assert Y.shape == (N,)
return X, Y, singleton_weights / (Y_std1 * Y_std2), expected_quad_dims
def init_loc_fn(site):
value = init_to_median(site, num_samples=50)
# we also make sure the initial sigma is not too large.
# (otherwise we run the danger of getting stuck in bad local optima during optimization).
if site["name"] == "sigma":
value = 0.1 * value
return value
def main(args):
# setup hyperparameters for the model
hypers = {
"expected_sparsity": max(1.0, args.num_dimensions / 10),
"alpha1": 3.0,
"beta1": 1.0,
"alpha2": 3.0,
"beta2": 1.0,
"alpha3": 1.0,
"c": 1.0,
P = args.num_dimensions
S = args.active_dimensions
Q = args.quadratic_dimensions
# generate artificial dataset
X, Y, expected_thetas, expected_quad_dims = get_data(
N=args.num_data, P=P, S=S, Q=Q, sigma_obs=args.sigma
loss_fn = Trace_ELBO().differentiable_loss
# We initialize the AutoDelta guide (for MAP estimation) with args.num_trials many
# initial parameters sampled from the vicinity of the median of the prior distribution
# and then continue optimizing with the best performing initialization.
init_losses = []
for restart in range(args.num_restarts):
guide = AutoDelta(model, init_loc_fn=init_loc_fn)
with torch.no_grad():
init_losses.append(loss_fn(model, guide, X, Y, hypers).item())
guide = AutoDelta(model, init_loc_fn=init_loc_fn)
# Instead of using pyro.infer.SVI and pyro.optim we instead construct our own PyTorch
# optimizer and take charge of gradient-based optimization ourselves.
with poutine.block(), poutine.trace(param_only=True) as param_capture:
guide(X, Y, hypers)
params = list([pyro.param(name).unconstrained() for name in param_capture.trace])
adam = Adam(params, lr=args.lr)
report_frequency = 50
print("Beginning MAP optimization...")
# the optimization loop
for step in range(args.num_steps):
loss = loss_fn(model, guide, X, Y, hypers) / args.num_data
# we manually reduce the learning rate according to this schedule
if step in [100, 300, 700, 900]:
adam.param_groups[0]["lr"] *= 0.2
if step % report_frequency == 0 or step == args.num_steps - 1:
print("[step %04d] loss: %.5f" % (step, loss))
print("Expected singleton thetas:\n", expected_thetas.data.numpy())
# we do the final computation using double precision
median = guide.median() # == mode for MAP inference
active_dims, active_quad_dims = compute_posterior_stats(
expected_active_dims = np.arange(S).tolist()
tp_singletons = len(set(active_dims) & set(expected_active_dims))
fp_singletons = len(set(active_dims) - set(expected_active_dims))
fn_singletons = len(set(expected_active_dims) - set(active_dims))
singleton_stats = (tp_singletons, fp_singletons, fn_singletons)
tp_quads = len(set(active_quad_dims) & set(expected_quad_dims))
fp_quads = len(set(active_quad_dims) - set(expected_quad_dims))
fn_quads = len(set(expected_quad_dims) - set(active_quad_dims))
quad_stats = (tp_quads, fp_quads, fn_quads)
# We report how well we did, i.e. did we recover the sparse set of coefficients
# that we expected for our artificial dataset?
print("[SUMMARY STATS]")
"Singletons (true positive, false positive, false negative): "
+ "(%d, %d, %d)" % singleton_stats
"Quadratic (true positive, false positive, false negative): "
+ "(%d, %d, %d)" % quad_stats
if __name__ == "__main__":
assert pyro.__version__.startswith("1.9.1")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Krylov KIT")
parser.add_argument("--num-data", type=int, default=750)
parser.add_argument("--num-steps", type=int, default=1000)
parser.add_argument("--num-dimensions", type=int, default=100)
parser.add_argument("--num-restarts", type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument("--sigma", type=float, default=0.05)
parser.add_argument("--active-dimensions", type=int, default=10)
parser.add_argument("--quadratic-dimensions", type=int, default=5)
parser.add_argument("--lr", type=float, default=0.3)
args = parser.parse_args()